

With more time on the ground to film each leg of the journey, the series will achieve a refreshed, authentic approach to survival-adventure. Limited resources and less production support will translate into more obstacles and problem solving than ever before.

Alaska Aerial Photography Baird Glacier Merge.jpg


New advances in drone technology allow us to cover the journey with more aerials than ever. The epic scale of Alaska’s natural beauty and terrain will become a larger character in the series. Innovative use of the drones can also allow us to demonstrate proximity of the teams, creating more organic transitions.



This reimagined series is grittier and more excruciating than ever, with a deeper dive into survival. Innovative fishing techniques, foraging strategies and at times unthinkable methods of hydrating and nourishing will provide unforgettable scenes and moments.



A younger, more contemporary narrator guides us through the journey. Used more sparingly than in the original series, narration will emphasize natural history facts, as well as help maintain clarity in the storytelling.


Blue Chip Natural History

Borrowing a page from the BBC Natural History Unit, we will elevate b-roll and transitions to the level of blue chip cinematography that’s so iconic to National Geographic.